At Pathfinders Neuromuscular Alliance, we are delighted to run PA and carer training. This training is for PAs and carers who work, or want to work, with people with muscle-weakening conditions, and other high support needs.
A group of people with muscle-weakening conditions developed this training. Pathfinders is running it free of charge. It covers the following topics:
- 1: Introduction to Neuromuscular Conditions
- 2: Independence and Social Model of Disability
- 3: Complex Disabilities and Common Emergencies
- 4: Common Equipment used by people with Disabilities
- 5: Ventilators
- 6: Posture, Skin and Positioning
- 7: Swallowing and Nutrition
- 8: Physiotherapy and Exercise
- 9: Working in Someone’s Home
- 10: Supporting Disabled People as Parents
- 11: Respect, Intimacy and Personal Care
- 12: Supporting Disabled People with Sex and Relationships
- 13: Supporting Disabled People with their Emotional Health
Are you unable to attend the module you want to? Or did you just want to watch the videos, take the quiz, and get your certificate that way? You can view videos outlining some of the content of each of those modules on our youtube channel, with links to the quiz and certificate over on YouTube
Do you employ your own PAs? We also run training for PA employers
More about the PA and Carer Training
This PA and carer training is designed to help PAs and carers work effectively with people with muscle-weakening conditions and high support needs, and contains modules covering everything from the social model of disability to ventilation, from respect to supporting someone in the workplace. It’s a “thorough, informative, and incredibly useful” training, giving PAs and carers increased “confidence”, “knowledge” and “competence”.
Sam Cornelius-Light – Independent Living Officer