PA Employer Training

Do you employ PAs? Do you want to meet with other PA employers and learn how to be a better employer yourself? By taking this PA Employer Training you can build your skills as a PA Employer. Through our online sessions, you can also meet and connect with other people who also employ their own PAs.

A group of PA employers with muscle-weakening conditions designed this training. Modules will be on Zoom and include:

  1. Communicating your needs to your PA
    5th and 12th June, 18:00-19:30
  2. Building a household routine
    6th and 13th June, 18:00-19:30
  3. Communication between employers and PAs
    7th and 14th June, 18:00-19:30

We also have digital training modules available for your PAs and carers to sign up to:

More about the PA Employer Training

Charley Walker, who leads our PA Employer Training

Are you an expert PA employer? Or are you new to having PAs? Either way, this course will work for you.

Led by an experienced PA employer, it will combine sharing valuable information with group discussions, allowing you to work out solutions to some of the things you’re struggling with. A problem shared is a problem halved

Charley WalkerIndependent Living Officer

Funded by Skills for Care