Keep Your Power - a powerbank and generator loan scheme,

Keep Your Power

Pathfinders is delighted to announce that SureServe has given us funding to run Keep Your Power. This is a small-scale powerbank and generator loan programme. 

  • Do you have a muscle-weakening condition? 
  • Are you reliant on power to run medical devices, from ventilators to beds? 
  • Are you worried about powercuts?

You may be eligible for a loan of a powerbank or generator from our brand new Keep Your Power Programme

Keep Your Power - a powerbank and generator loan scheme,

What is the Keep Your Power Programme?

Keep Your Power is a Pathfinders programme offering long-term loans (9 months) of generators or powerbanks. These are for people who are dependent on electricity to run vital medical machinery, and are at risk of powercuts. We will supply people with a 9 month loan of a powerbank or generator. They will be able to use this to operate their medical equipment during a powercut.

How do I apply to Keep Your Power?

Applications are now open for an initial loan period until April next year. The project is open to Pathfinders members who are reliant on electricity and are concerned about the impact of power outages on your health and safety.

Applications will be open on a rolling basis until funds are used up. We will review applications and contact people until we close the programme. After that, we will review our processes. In April, we will reopen applications for the next round of loans. We will invite people who have received generators or powerbanks to reapply but we cannot guarantee that we will select you again.

How will Pathfinders choose people?

Our application form captures information about you. This includes what equipment you rely on, how essential it is, and how frequent powercuts have been for you previously. We will use this information to select the members who are most in need.

It is only open to members, so if you are not a member, you will need to sign up.

Can I have one for multiple years?

Each year we will reopen application, to ensure that newer members are also able to apply for an item. You may be awarded it repeatedly, but it may also need to go to someone else.

How much does Keep Your Power cost?

The loan itself is free, you will only need to pay for return postage (so keep the packaging). You will need to agree to participate in project evaluation.

Who owns the device?

Pathfinders owns it, and you will sign a loan contract, committing to returning it. Whilst we own the generator or powerbank, we accept no liability for defects, breakages, or any consequences thereof. You are borrowing the device at your own risk, and should always have a plan in place for if this does not work. We are not responsible for maintenance during the loan period.