The Pros & Cons of Personal Assistants by the Pathfinders Neuromuscular Alliance.

direct payments

  • ‘Who Cares?’ – Hiring A PA Pros & Cons from Sanjeev

    ‘Who Cares?’ – Hiring A PA Pros & Cons from Sanjeev

    My name is Sanjeev and I am a journalist, producer, and development worker for Pathfinders, with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Like many with a neuromuscular condition, I rely on other people like carers, personal assistants, family,…

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  • An Introduction to Social Care

    An Introduction to Social Care

    Many people with muscle-weakening conditions need support with ‘activities of daily living’ – whether that means getting washed and dressed, going out, or things like physiotherapy and ventilation. For some people, this is provided by…

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